I took the group shot from two different angles this morning. I knew that would be interesting for all you followers of The Tomato Blog.
You can see that the plants are continuing to grow tall and strong.
I have moved two more into larger pots and have two more which I feel are ready to be moved this week.
On a somewhat disconcerting note, I did find a worm on one of the plants last week. I washed out a Yoplait Yogurt cup and put the worm in there and transported it out to the country so that it could have a happy life without doing any harm to my fabulous tomato plants.
The problem of this one worm was solved easily enough. But, it's there... the realization that there are bad things out there which could hurt my tomato plants. I am no longer a tomato innocent. For I have seen the worm.
Now I must be on the lookout for other bad things: root rot, fungus, more worms. I'll have to be constantly vigilant, thinking only of what bad things might happen.
How does one continue to farm with joy when there is so much potential for crop failure? How can I continue to be optimistic about my tomatoes when I have seen the worm, and I know the dangers?
These, of course, are hard questions. Ultimately they are questions of theodicy. Bad things really do happen to good tomatoes.
How we humans persevere in this world amazes me. Logically, we would take one look at the holocausts, the wars, the rapes, and the despair and we would give up. Add to that the indignity, the harshness, the discourtesy of every day life, what a friend of mine once called "daily venipunctures," and it is a wonder that we don't bleed out... out of hope, out of optimism, out of any ability to go on.
Yet here we are.
Here we are.
And see how strong those tomatoes are!
Dear Lindy (or is it really Rowan?),
Your tomato plants look glorious! (And yes, Rowan, I see your handsome self, too.) I can't understand why the world isn't chiming in on this blog.
Not only are you a world class tomato farmer, but you are a classy philosopher as well.
Now I've always suspected that your Guardian/Companion Lindy ghostwrites your blog, Rowan. Now it appears that you, Rowan, are ghostwriting Lindy's blog. You two make quite a pair!
I'm a home health nurse by trade. My client is a tomato farmer also, and this spring's crop has failed due to some pesky pest--fungus? insect infestation? We have tried a spray preparation to cure them, but to no avail. It's a sad thing, because his garden is his pride and joy. He has the mind to plan the garden and his family and friends are his hands to bring his plans to life. Although the tomatoes failed, he has 16 or 17 varieties of impatiens plants and they are a riotous display of colors in his well-sheltered and misted garden.
Whatever is killing tomato plants is not a danger to impatiens.
Love to Lindy and Rowan and all the thriving 'maters',
Pat Klemme
The truth is that Rowan and I ghost write each other's blogs. It's a true communion of saints we have, contributing to the insight of one another, engaging in mutual care, and challenging one another to be better than we would be without the other.
I don't know if it's the sleep deprivation or true love talking but I really do love that dog!
Good/interesting/concerning to get all your news. Email to follow.
We adore you!
Lindy and Rowan
or is it
Rowan and Lindy?
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